Pinned: Ride of the Month Guidelines

2024-05-15T19:23:24.000000Z - (Edited on 2025-01-18T04:14:47.000000Z) #1
Join Date: 2022-02-02T00:00:00.000000Z
Posts: 10

Welcome to Garaged Ride of the Month!

Each month, we celebrate one outstanding ride from our amazing community members. This is our way of showcasing the incredible vehicles and stories that make Garaged such a special place.

How It Works:

  1. Staff Selection: Each month, the Garaged team will carefully review the rides posted by our community members. We look for vehicles that stand out due to their uniqueness, story, modifications, and overall appeal.
  2. Feature Announcement: The chosen vehicle will be announced in this category at the beginning of each month. The selected ride will also be showcased on the Garaged homepage, our social media channels, and in a special feature article.
  3. Exclusive Recognition: The owner of the featured ride will receive a special badge on their Garaged profile, recognizing their vehicle as the Ride of the Month.

What We Look For:

  1. Unique Features: Whether it's a rare model, unique modifications, or an interesting backstory, we love vehicles that stand out.
  2. Quality Presentation: High-quality photos and a detailed description help us appreciate your ride even more.
  3. Community Engagement: Active participation in the Garaged community and sharing your passion with fellow members.

We're excited to celebrate the amazing rides within our community and shine a spotlight on the creativity and dedication of our members. Keep posting your rides, sharing your stories, and engaging with the community - your car could be the next Garaged Ride of the Month!