What do you like to go to?

2025-01-17T02:41:48.000000Z - (Edited on 2025-01-21T22:34:40.000000Z) #1
Join Date: 2022-03-14T14:43:58.000000Z
Posts: 63

What's everyone's favorite type of car event to take your car to or attend as a spectator?

Are you a frequenter of cars and coffee events? Or do you rather enjoy a cruise along the back roads? Or maybe you love breaking out the show car for the big shows?

Let us know what your favorite thing to do in the car community!

TheGaragedGuy's Garage:
2001 Chevrolet Corvette
2024 Subaru Ascent Onyx
2016 Chevrolet SS
TheGaragedGuy's Clubs:
NTX Car Club Prosper, Texas
Garaged McKinney, Texas

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